Inoxichel Games torrent Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition

Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition

Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition

Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition – role-playing fantasy game, an improved version of the original part. The player will move into a surreal world in which there has been a war for a long time between the forces of Light and Darkness. Take control of a dwarven paladin, half-elven thief, gnome sorcerer, or other race. Each class has a unique branch of abilities, its own weapons and storyline.

Neverwinter Nights is not a standard role-playing game; in addition to magic spells, each protagonist can improve their skills. These could include: “hacking locks and doors,” “increased chance of rare items dropping,” or passive and active abilities. Explore huge cities and castles, plains and mountains, caves and dragon lairs. Fight huge and strong monsters, complete both main and secondary tasks.

Kill enemies to get new items, help neutral residents of villages and cities in exchange for a worthy reward. Take part in a single player campaign or multiplayer, traveling through a fictional world with other gamers. More than 200 different items, each of which has a unique rarity. Unique armor, daggers, swords, spears, staves, bows, artifacts or jewelry that add to the character’s capabilities. Incredible adventures await any hero you create!

There is a version like a pirate

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GOG License (Tablet: Not required)

Version: v 88.8193.36-12 + DLC – Digital Deluxe Edition (Full) Latest

Additional content:

7.94 GB

Pirate (Tablet: Not required)
v 1.86.8193.34.1(a) – Black Edition 1.4.4a
11.74 GB

11.74 GB

Repack от xatab
v 1.80.8193.9 – Enhanced Edition
3.41 GB

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