The game keeps you on your toes, requiring you to be prepared for any situation that arises. One of the great aspects of Vexlands is the sheer variety and challenge it offers. The world is divided into different biomes, each with its own unique enemies and valuable loot. If you’re feeling brave, you can explore dungeons and caves where puzzles and ferocious monsters await you. Another opportunity is to build your own village, and raise animals there, forge powerful equipment and strengthen your defenses against incessant attacks. In addition, you can customize your character’s abilities using a varied talent tree.
- Release date: Coming soon
- Genre: Adventures, India, Simulators, Survival
- Developer: Apogee Entertainment
Voice acting:
- OS: Windows 10 (64-bit)
- Processor: Intel Core Duo 2
- RAM: 512 MB
- Video card: 1 GB
- Disk space: 256 MB