The story begins when a mysterious event called «full possession» occurs in the world of Antinomy of Common Flowers. It lies in the fact that a person can gain complete control over the body and mind of another. The plot centers on a heroine named Reimi, who seeks to find out the reason for such an extraordinary phenomenon.
The combat system is quite unusual for the genre. All characters are airborne by default and capable of flying. There are no blocks at all. The series is characterized by various types of projectiles launched at the enemy. An innovation was the pair system, which allows you to team up with other players in teams of two fighters. This makes it possible to conduct tactical matches and better study the capabilities of fighters.
There will be difficult fights in the campaign mode. For example, the battle between Yukari and Reimu will cause trouble even on the easiest difficulty. Get ready to take on the challenge! Such charming characters as Koishi, Tenshi, Reisen, Doremi and many other beloved characters have returned to the game.
- OS: Windows 7, 8, 10
- Processor: Intel Core i5, 2.0 GHz
- RAM: 2 GB
- Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450
- Disk space: 1 GB