Inoxichel Games torrent Knights and Merchants: The Peasants Rebellion

Knights and Merchants: The Peasants Rebellion

Knights and Merchants: The Peasants Rebellion

Knights and Merchants: The Peasants Rebellion is a real-time strategy game. In the game you need to obtain materials, build buildings, create an army and fight against the computer. This title makes a big bias towards economic development. Here it is necessary to establish production chains and process one product into another.

In Russian localization the title is called completely differently – “The Second Crown”. This is a continuation of the game «War and Peace». The addon expanded the list of single maps and added another campaign, which consists of 14 missions. The number of primary resources has increased. Fish was added to wine, stone, iron, coal, gold, logs, and grain. Because of her, the profession of a fisherman and a house for a fisherman were added. Among the new buildings, there is also a market, a siege workshop and a municipality.

Warriors must be trained from ordinary people and provided with equipment. The workers also have to be trained. Each type of unit is superior to some soldiers, but inferior to others. For example: swordsmen are stronger than spearmen, but they pose a threat to cavalry. All residents have an individual hunger scale. The common people periodically abandon their daily activities and go to the tavern to dine. But the army must be provided with food by sending servants with provisions to the army. If you don’t feed your subjects, they will die. You can also use the services of mercenaries. The expansion added barbarians, militias, rebels, warriors, squires, and bandits available for hire. All battles are conducted exclusively on land.

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Knights and Merchants: The Peasants Rebellion logo

License (Tablet: Not required)

Version: v 1.0

More current version: v 1.60
is in the block – Additional distributions.

Post updated – February 19, 2024, 14:03

GOG License (Tablet: Not required)
v 1.58
317.1 MB

317.1 MB

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