Life in the mountains is difficult and almost unbearable, especially if the mountain system is always covered with snow and ice. But even in such conditions, people find a place to settle. The player will become the leader of a small village, which is located near the rocks and reveres the peak as a divine being, violent and indomitable.
It will be very difficult to develop infrastructure and generally provide your people with everything they need. In such an area it is unlikely that you will be able to grow anything good, and going down and up along unmarked routes is even more dangerous. In addition, there is always a risk of an avalanche and it is impossible to predict and prevent it. Therefore, the user can only erect fortification buildings and hope that they will withstand the onslaught of a flying pile of snow.
Over time, several more cities can be built in Laysara: Summit Kingdom. Each of them will be located in a unique place with its own characteristics that should be used to the maximum. After this, the player will be able to create trade connections and routes between them and thereby, through the methods of exchange and trade, provide all the inhabitants of the kingdom with good products and warm clothes. If one settlement is destroyed by an avalanche, you can ask for help from your neighbors and quickly put everything in order.