The narrative follows Chenxiang’s search. Sanshengmu, the heavenly goddess, faces imprisonment under Mount Hua for breaking heavenly law by giving birth to Chenxiang’s son from a mortal. After learning the truth, Chenxiang sets out on a dangerous journey to free his mother. With the help of Sun Wukong and the immortals, Chenxian undergoes many trials, defeats powerful enemies, and is eventually reunited with his mother.
Combat caters to a variety of playstyles thanks to multiple sect systems. Dozens of items and a dazzling array of magical treasures allow you to shape your own unique approach to combat. Each test promises new surprises, maintaining the dynamics of the gameplay. The game features a stellar cast of characters from Chinese mythology. You will meet such legendary figures as Sun Wukong, Eight Immortals, Erlang Shen and Nezha. These characters play key roles in the narrative, forming both alliances and rivalries as the story progresses.
The Lotus Lantern adds another layer of strategy. This ancient artifact grants access to divine abilities such as time manipulation and bullet timing, providing tactical advantages in combat. In addition, Lotus Lantern provides permanent upgrades that allow you to defeat increasingly difficult opponents. The unpredictable nature of the game forces you to be on your guard. Random events await you during your adventures, forcing you to make difficult decisions. Will you push your limits for a greater challenge, or will you choose stability? The choice is yours.