The Low Magic Age bestiary includes 7 categories and more than 100 enemy units, including goblins, trolls, giant ants, basilisks, etc. There are 6 races and 4 combat classes to choose from. The trading system represents a wide range of different goods, including products that can then be resold on markets in other territories. By making money on the difference, you can raise good money. Equipment is represented by more than 60 types of ordinary items and over 90 magic and about 80 spells.
Weapons in the game are divided into cutting, piercing and stabbing, and equipment includes Gloves of Agility, Bracers of Counter-Strikes, Ring of Regeneration, Belt of Splendor, Cloak of Thorns and an Elemental Gem that can accumulate magical energy. Each fighter in the game, in addition to basic attacks, has its own unique movements and skills. Depending on the chosen class, certain parameters of spells and magic are reduced or increased.