Inoxichel Games torrent Punch Club 2: Fast Forward

Punch Club 2: Fast Forward

Punch Club 2: Fast Forward

Punch Club 2: Fast Forward is a 2D action fighting game for real fighters who are not afraid of difficulties and are ready to fight their way through life’s challenges. You, as the main character, have spent 20 long years patiently waiting for your moment in your mother’s cramped garage, dreaming of a better life and searching for your missing father. But life doesn’t give you anything for nothing, and there will be many obstacles and troubles on your way.

The world you live in is in decline, corruption is rampant, and people are forced to eat disgusting slag. But you have not given up and are ready to take your destiny into your own hands. You can become the best fighter in the world, develop your characteristics and techniques, create your own martial arts school and earn a lot of money and respect.

However, the path to the top will not be easy, you must be prepared for battles, fights and fierce competition. You can even cheat, use prohibited training methods and neurotraining, but be careful, you are in danger of being discovered and leaving your reputation in the dust. In the game Punch Club 2: Fast Forward you will find many tasks, work for different organizations and the opportunity to solve crimes. You must manage your time and budget effectively to make it to the big leagues and earn recognition. Your time is not endless, so don’t waste it.

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Punch Club 2: Fast Forward logo

Pirate Portable (Tablet: Stitched)

Version: v 1.101

Additional content:

RePack and FitGirl
Version:v 1.101 + DLC – Complete Edition
811.46 MB

811.46 MB

GOG License (Tablet: Not required)
Version:v 1.018 + DLC
1.92 GB

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