The protagonist of SIMULACRA 3 is an ordinary intern from a small local newspaper, who was assigned as an assistant to the famous journalist Ruby Myers, who is investigating this case. The police are confused, but the girl learns that before his disappearance, programmer Paul Castillo managed to record several videos that could provide at least some clues to the solution to the series of strange events. From the information found at the beginning, the heroes learn that the ghost of the witch Beldama has returned to this world and the disappearances may be his work.
A significant part of the time the user will interact with the smartphone in order to extract as much information as possible from it. All videos recorded on the device are not animation, but cinematic filming, which adds realism to the horror film. As the story progresses, the user will often encounter monstrous scenes and jump scares, and therefore this horror game is prohibited for the faint of heart.
- Release date: 25 Oct. 2022
- Genre: India, Simulators, Adventures
- Developer: Kaigan Games
Voice acting:
- OS: Windows 7, 8, 10
- Processor: Intel Core i3, Ryzen 3
- RAM: 4 GB
- Video card: nVidia GeForce 8800 GT, AMD Radeon HD 2400, Intel HD
- Disk space: 16 GB