The player will take on the role of the captain of a steam locomotive. The main gameplay takes place from a top view. Along the way you will encounter different activities, other shuttles and characters. SUNLESS SKIES contains a lot of text telling about the world around us and its heroes. In the lower left corner there is information about the shuttle: general condition, fuel level, provisions, warehouse fullness and staff. On the right side is the protagonist’s interface, showing the experience and number of officers under his command.
Characteristics are represented by four skills:
- Iron – forceful resolution of conflicts and issues;
- Hearts – skill of persuasion and patience;
- Mirrors – deduction, conducive to the search for secrets;
- Veils – the ability to deceive and act secretly.
There are also a number of indicators that are responsible for the attitude of various social groups, factions, their own subordinates, etc. towards him. Property is stored in the hold, divided into tangible and intangible. The first is resources, including fuel, artifacts, etc. the second is quest items, flight notes, rumors and stuff like that. Several difficulty modes are available – Legacy, with the ability to transfer what you have acquired to another leader after death, and Merciful, which allows you to load from the last save.