The story begins with sad news: after 20 years in a coma, the main character’s aunt, her only relative, died. In shock and deep distress, Rose, whose full name is Rosangela, begins to suffer from an unbearable headache. It prevents her from concentrating on her work – reviewing books for one of the New York newspapers. During a sleepless night, Blackwell is visited by the ghost of a man who died back in the 1930s – Joey Mallon. He was an assistant to the protagonist’s ancestors and wants to teach her everything that she does not yet understand. After all, only from the ghost does Rose learn that she is a medium who must help the souls of the dead leave the Earth to rest.
The plot tells about mysterious suicides in New York that occurred at the university and Washington Square Park. Throughout the entire passage, the gamer will have to look for the necessary interactive objects to interact with them or collect them in the inventory in order to find passages further through the locations. An important part of the narrative are numerous dialogues with surrounding characters. They can provide valuable information and tips on what to do next and what needs to be done. The young girl will be confronted by otherworldly forces who have very evil and insidious plans.
- Release date: 14 Jan 2012
- Genre: Adventures, India
- Developer: Wadjet Eye Games
Russian -
Voice acting:
- OS: 2000/XP/Vista? (64-bit)
- Processor: Intel Pentium 1.0 GHz
- RAM: 64 MB
- Video card: 32 MB
- Disk space: 300 MB